We have several sections on this page relating to the Science strands and activities:

Living Things


Environmental awareness and care :

and finally some pictures of our STEM project work and Science Week.

Strand: Living things

The Junior Infants used their senses to explore different types of food – they looked at, smelled, felt and tasted a selection of food items. Some were sweet and some were sour. They squished oranges and crunched up pretzels to see if the food made a sound too. 

In March, the 1st classes learned about the different parts of plants and flowers.  Then they planted cress seeds. They grew very quickly!


Strand: Materials

The children in our ASD Class observed what happened when vinegar and bread soda were mixed together. A gas was released which filled up the balloons. This made everyone smile.

2nd glass added food colouring to the same materials to make their volcano erupt.

Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care

Knockmore JNS has planted a pocket forest this year.

2nd class prepared the ground in October by digging the area. Next, they spread compost and added worms. Finally, the class covered the ground with sticks and cardboard.

In December, they planted saplings (baby trees).

In March, they checked in on the trees. They are looking good! It’s great to see the daffodils in bloom next to our pocket forest.

We look forward to watching these beautiful trees grow in the years to come.

Using STEM skills in a project on the environment

We have been taking part in the Green Schools project for a number of years. We are working towards getting the Biodiversity Flag this year. Our Green Schools committee went out around the school to do some habitat mapping. They observed and identified the trees and plants on the school grounds. 

This is our Green Schools slogan… Don’t forget every bird, bug or tree. Biodiversity is the key!

Science Week 2022/3

The boys and girls had so much fun during science week in November.

Every class was busy doing experiments.

The children in 1st class even got to meet a real scientist. They went on a trip to Tallaght Library for a workshop from Anyone4Science. They got to do experiments using acids and bases.